“The Green, The White and The Orange… 3 Tales from Imagined Irish History”

Fin and Fiona have short plays being put on by Current Theatrics as part of “The Green, The White and The Orange… 3 Tales from Imagined Irish History” at 3pm July 23 & 24, Abbey Hall Theatre, in Cleveland.

From Fin’s short play Hibernia Rising:

SECOND TREASURE-HUNTER (thinking aloud): What does an Irishman keep under his bed?

SECOND TREASURE-HUNTER takes the gun from the REBEL’s hands, inspects it closely.

FIRST TREASURE-HUNTER: Pot of gold maybe?

GUIDE: Pot of tea?

SECOND TREASURE-HUNTER: [Returning rifle to REBEL] Pot?

Thanks to director Ruth Pe Palileo, producer Tommy Costello, and actors Matt, Boomer, Amanda, Liz, and Corey.

From Fiona’s play History Lesson:

Two characters jump out of their books in the library:
HISTORY WOMAN: The state always had its nose in the wrong business. It should stay out of the bedroom, unless it’s underage business, which they seem good at turning a blind eye to. Condoms or no, I still see a fair amount of unwanted babbies around today. 

HISTORY MAN: Sure they’re all ‘wanted’ at some level. Haven’t you heard of the unconscious?

HISTORY WOMAN: Are they ‘wanted’ just by the mammies or are they ‘wanted’ by those fellas in the hedges whispering sweet coochie coo’s as they’re pulling leaves out of their arses?

- Thanks to all above too and to Leah Cassella for directing.